
The Will To Death

"The Will to Death." 

That's such a strange concept...
It truly is one thing we're all entitled to.

It's also a fantastic album written by John Frusciante that I used to listen to years ago while logging my notes into a crappy beat up note book.

But the reason I'm showcasing a series of images from the graveyard is cause, I simply never did it before and the only way a ten year old professional gets any better is by experimenting.  Throw yourself in the pool and swim...

This project wasn't about catering to someone's needs.  I just treated it like an assignment about setting the mood for a location.  Visualizing the vibes given off by the place itself.

Definitely went on rainy days and had to wrap my gear up with the weather proof zip up sleeves.

All in all, it was just get'n bored and say'n "To hell with it.  I'm going to go spend a couple Sundays in the cemetery and let people look at me like a creeper."  Maybe I'll take a photo from a project like this and create a contrast piece between two images for a gallery?  Hang a cool one up on the wall?  Sell one!  Imagine that?!?! haha.

No matter what I'm shooing, in the end, every photo I take is based around my one adapted saying that I seriously live by:  "Every perfect photo is one that speaks loudly on a spiritual level and never lets the technical aspects overwhelm the concept / message."

And clearly if you're able to walk up to anything you're suppose to shoot in this universe with that one liner in the back of your pocket, you're legit.

Well, check out these photos and let me know what ya think, kittens...

"Hang in there, you'll make it."
The simplest titles weigh in with such impact.
Wanted to find an inspiring way to photograph troop graves.
This door handle means business!
These doors really got my attention.
This was the most difficult shot to compose.  This was actually the only angle to make it all work out.
I absolutely love the group photo loosely attached to the door.  It made the shot.
Wanted to create a "dizzy" feeling, like being chased through the graveyard.

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