
A Man and His Piece in a World Gone Crazy

This dude showed up all in the A.M. Tuesday before he headed back to Pittsburgh, so we had a mini photo sesh.

yeah, yeah.  I know.
It's another piece of work where someone is screaming with a hand held prop.
...Well, that's because I decided I'm going to make a real kick ass photo series out of all this white BG, high key lighting material. 

So long as I keep the set up consistent, quick, and simple every time with this series,
then it will make my life a lot easier to pop out a bunch of these and pick the best of the best for the final draft.

But yeah, I've always felt high key portraits to be a bit stale.
Since it just looks like people are floating off in white space.

But I chose high key, and 20x20 inch format for this, cause I've always wanted a huge box format gallery series of people look'n nuts.

Mainly, because in the real world...  That's all I ever see people behaving like anymore.

We're surely living in a world gone crazy...

Later cuties.

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