
Kayaking the lagoons

I loaded the car, arrived at some lagoons, and kayaked for the first time in my life the other day.

It was life changing, for sure.

I seriously have no idea how people of Erie even live in Erie without one?
It's honestly all I want to do with my free time on sunny days.
Hell.  It's raining today and I'm still looking for a tiny break to go out on the water and get it!

But yeah, like anything I do in my life I can't help but find ways to turn it into another project.

These are some scouting photos of the scenic Presque Isle lagoons I took with my cell phone so I could go back with my gear and get the real deal:

 Flower patch on water

 Lilly pads

 Tree reflection

 Turtles on log

 Lagoon to tree line

 Tree reflection two

Map of lagoons, bay, and lake

 Me.  Exploring.

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